Tuesday, December 14

Okay...I Didn't Die

I had two friends ask me last week if I actually died, since it's been awhile since I've written anything here. :o)

Answer...wait for it...No. I didn't die.

I ran the race and met my goals of:
running the entire way--no stopping to walk (there'll be another post in the future about how it's irritating to see people stop and walk in a race and STILL finish ahead of you).
crossing the finish line in some other place besides dead last.

And I actually enjoyed it. I'm contemplating training for another. And maybe a marathon next October.

As for my silence here, I apologize. I have no idea what to write about.

For all intents and purposes, life is just trucking on.

My oldest got her braces off last week. Her smile is beautiful, and she's doing it so much more these days. That's nice.

My thirteen-year old son is just centimeters shorter than I am. His feet and hands are bigger than mine, his voice is deeper than mine, and he's getting a mustache. He does NOT want a razor. Believe me--I've asked him. He thinks the mustache is cool. It makes me want to cry.

My third child finally got his long-awaited puppy. This means I got a puppy. I don't want a puppy. I don't do puppies. How long until this puppy is a calm, house-broken, adult dog that just lies in the corner somewhere? Currently, my land line phone is inoperable because of a chewing puppy. Now I get to make a trip to Radio Shack. Babies are easier than puppies. I do N-O-T, not want one of those, either, but I'm just sayin'...

My youngest turned nine. Nine. Still trying to get my mind around that one.

Four more days until winter break from school. I don't think I've looked forward to Christmas break this much since I was a student. I feel like a senior in high school--with countdown lists and big red Xes on my calendar.

The weather is too cold and the daylight is too short. My hands, feet, and nose got cold in October. They should be warm again in May. There are a lot of days between now and May.

Temperatures in the teens with wind chill factors that put said temperatures in the single digits = me thinking about purchasing a treadmill. I don't want to run on a treadmill. It will make me feel like a hamster on a wheel. But I want to continue to have a working relationship with my jeans, so something's gotta give. I'm guessing it's going to be my refusal to run on a treadmill.

Apparently my cat likes cheese. I had no reason to think this before. My children have dropped cheese on the kitchen floor countless times. I've found it, days later, hard as a rock with oil beads all over it. This has led me to the conclusion that my cat doesn't like cheese, as she doesn't eat it off of my kitchen floor. Apparently my cat only likes cheese that is paired with a Granny Smith apple sitting ON THE PLATE RIGHT NEXT TO ME as I write this!!! Spoiled Brat Cat that obviously has no interest in living very long!

Well, that's it...a whole blog post about pretty much nothing.

The Seinfeld of blog posts.


Rhonda said...

1. Good to know that you didn't die.
2. I also cannot believe that your youngest is NINE.
3. Love the Seinfeld comment. But trust me, your post had way more value than any Seinfeld episode that was ever made.

Jamie said...

Great post. I would rather hear all of this info over a cup of coffee...BUT-this was fabulous too!