Tuesday, August 17

This and That

Today my youngest asked for peanut butter for a snack. I told her, "Sure!" Later, when I went upstairs, she was sitting at the kitchen table eating peanut butter off of a plate. Like it was pudding. "I'm asking for peanut butter for my BIRTHDAY!" she announced. Consider it done, Kiddo!

The boys started football practice yesterday. As I dropped them off at the curb in front of the field, I noticed parents unloading their bag chairs and their blankets,like they were planning to be there for awhile. Am I a bad mother for not staying and watching?? Am I crazy because the option to do so never occurred to me before?

I couldn't find the little disk thingy that goes in my Tupperware Quick Shake container this evening. So I had to actually get a WHISK out to combine my milk and flour for my potato soup. Irritating...

Yesterday, my fifteen-year-old and I went shopping for school supplies. I LOVE school supplies! I love the SMELL in the school supply aisle--the smell of paper and cardboard and wax crayons. And we found Mr. Sketch smelly markers!! The ones that have the brown that smells like cinnamon! I am so jazzed! I bought two boxes--one for the fifteen-year-old and one for me...I mean the eight-year-old.

There's a great line in the movie, You've Got Mail. Tom Hanks is emailing Meg Ryan and he says, "Don't you love New York in the fall? It makes me wanna buy school supplies. I would send you a bouquet of newly sharpened pencils if I knew your name and address."

After finding all the supplies needed to be a successful sophomore at our local high school, my daughter and I went to the greeting card section. We spent half an hour laughing hysterically at the cards. I forgot how fun that is. If you haven't done it in awhile, grab a friend and go to the nearest Target. You won't be sorry. It was only slightly disturbing that my baby girl is now old enough to get ALL of the humor contained in those missives.

Thanks to my in-laws, I have A LOT of VERY RIPE peaches. I am soliciting a quick and chemical-free way to put them up. If you know of anything, please share!

At one point today, the thermometer in my car said it was 68 degrees! 68 degrees is delicious!!

The eight year old has also decided (besides wanting peanut butter for her birthday) that she needs several plaid skirts and solid-colored t-shirts. She's instituting a uniform for herself this year. I guess the pajama uniform that this home school has adhered to for the past however-many years just isn't cutting it, anymore!

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