Tuesday, July 3

"Holiday Road" Day Two

Highlights from "National Lampoon's Family Vacation" Day Two:

  • The first good night's sleep we have had in weeks

  • A rousing game of three-on-three baseball in the backyard

  • Hubby twisting ankle trying to score a run

  • A wonderful picnic lunch at Lake Erie MetroPark with a great view of where the Detroit River empties into Lake Erie

  • Swinging at the park

  • Taking the kids to a wave pool and getting stopped by the Gestapo lifeguards who would not allow you to bring in bags, purses, shoes, or any flotation devices, resulting in a trip back to the car to leave off offending items

  • Hubby's ankle swollen to the size of a baseball

  • An hour-and-a-half "date" for Hubby and me to Stat Care to get x-rays of injured ankle--diagnosis is, and I quote, "I think I am going to call this a sprain, since I don't see a fracture on the x-ray." (Does that inspire confidence, or what?)

  • More baseball in the backyard with Hubby as permanent pitcher

  • A "girls only" trip to Target (where we bought nothing--this is Husband's highlight, not mine) and Cold Stone Creamery where the four of us shared a "Gotta Have It" Cookie Dougn't You Want Some

  • A wild game of Spoons with 10 players, where elimination resulted in bedtime, and the phrase that had to be said when you lost was, "I am so happy to be going to bed!" Much easier for the adults to utter than the children

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

I love the updates! I can only imagine what the hubby was thinking as you said, "hold still, I have to take a picture of your ankle so I can blog about it..." May the rest of your vacation be just as "restful"!