Wednesday, March 16

"Food??" for Thought (or for Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease)

*Author's Note* Data contained in this post is approximate as exact brand names of items are unknown at this time.

Yesterday, I decided to brave the elementary school cafeteria and join my third-grade daughter for lunch.

I called the school to ask if this would be okay. But since I had back-to-back teaching sessions from 8:30 until 10, the very sweet office assistant informed me that I was welcome to join my daughter for lunch, but unfortunately, I did not notify them in time to have a cafeteria lunch prepared for me. I would be welcome to bring something in.

No problem. I ate school lunches essentially every school day from 1st grade to my freshman year of high school. I've done my time.

I asked if I could bring food in for my daughter. "Sure," the assistant replied. "The only thing that you absolutely can not bring her is pop."


Soda is a "no go," but a Frosty from Wendy's? Fine. Big Mac? Fine. Large Fry? Fine. Double scoop sundae covered in high-fructose corn syrup, whipped cream, and cherries from Braum's? Fine. Tacos from Taco Bell that have "just enough animal "products" in them to keep them from being vegan? Fine.

Is anyone else confused?

But okay. I'll play. No soda (Not that I would have brought that to her anyway).

So I get to school with my baked potato and take a look at her plate.

I nearly had a stroke.

Elementary students purchasing a "nutritious lunch" from our local, state funded school district yesterday received:

1. Mini corn dogs at 320 calories/serving. Approximately 56.2% of these calories come from fat, 32.5% from carbohydrates, and 10% from protein. This is 18% of a person's RDA of fat.

2. Tortilla Chips at 140 calories/serving. Approximately 45% of these calories come from fat, 54% from carbs, and 5 % from protein. 11% of a person's RDA of fat.

3. Nacho Cheese Sauce at 181 calories/serving. Approximately 65% of these calories come from fat, 24% from carbs, and are you sitting down? O% of these calories come from protein!! Seriously??? It's cheese sauce! Shouldn't that have some protein?? A whopping 20% of a person's RDA of fat.

4. Chocolate Milk at 220 calories/serving. Approximately 33% of these calories come from fat, 50% from carbs, and 15% from protein. 12% of a person's RDA of fat.

This meal was rounded out with a "vegetable"--canned corn, and a "fruit"--canned applesauce.

Newsflash--corn is not a "yellow vegetable." Squash is a yellow vegetable. Corn is a grain. Canned applesauce where the second ingredient is sugar, isn't a fruit. It's dessert.

So...if my calculations are correct, a child eating his/her entire "main course" at school and finishing the "beverage," consumed 861 calories and 61% of his/her RDA for fat...In. One. Meal.

And they're concerned about my kid consuming an 8 oz soda??

Just for fun, I checked into the "nutritional" analysis of a small can of Barq's Root Beer:

160 total calories. 0 grams of fat.

And we wonder why there's an obesity problem in America and a fast food joint on every corner. Because people have been eating that crap for 180 days of each year of their lives since they were five.

And I completely forgot to include the chocolate, chocolate chip cookie!!

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

So depressing!! Thank you for helping me find a reason not to complain so much about packing my son's lunch every day!