Friday, February 11

Greats from the Gilmores

To say that Mik and I love Gilmore Girls is an understatement.

So instead of the crazy that runs around in my head on any given day, she and I thought we'd switch it up and treat you to some of our favorite quotes and conversations from one of the greatest mother-daughter duos ever--besides us, of course! :)

Lorelai: Does he have a motorcycle? If you're gonna throw your life away, he'd better have a motorcycle!

Lorelai: Stop saying mother like that.
Rory: Like what?
Lorelai: Like there's supposed to be another word after it.

Max: You are like a mythological creature that casts some kind of spell on me and makes me act stupid. I'm not stupid. I don't act stupid with anyone else.

Emily: We have not been waiting forever.
Lorelai: Godot was just here. He said ‘I ain’t waiting for Richard,’ grabbed a roll, and left. It’s been forever.

Lorelai: The plural of cul-de-sac is culs-de-sac? That doesn't even sound like English.
Richard: That's because it's French.

Jason: I'm officially taking the one hour I have off to go to the driving range to hit golf balls to try to improve my sucky game, thereby redeeming myself in your father's eyes.
Lorelai: I like the use of 'sucky' and 'thereby' in the same sentence.

Lorelai: Huh. You know what I just realized? Oy is the funniest word in the entire world.
Rory: Huh.
Lorelai: I mean, think about it. You never hear the word oy and not smile. Impossible. Funny, funny word.
Emily: Oh, dear God.
Lorelai: Poodle is another funny word.
Emily: Please drink your drink, Lorelai.
Lorelai: In fact, if you put oy and poodle together in the same sentence, you'd have a great new catch phrase, you know? Like, ‘oy with the poodles already.’ So from now on, when the perfect circumstances arise, we will use our favorite new catch phrase.
Rory: Oy with the poodles already.
Lorelai: I'm telling you, it's knocking 'whatcha talking 'bout, Willis?' right out of first place.
Emily: Lorelai, for God's sake, be quiet.

Lorelai: You know, this is pretty much what I thought heaven would look like. There might have been a unicorn in the corner, but basically – yeah, this is it.

Lorelai: And whipped cream, and dental floss, and paper towels, and People Magazine. We're really hungry.

Logan: This cloak and dagger stuff is kinda tricky. Especially if you don't own a dagger and you look funny in a cloak.

Rory: Peeled to death. That’s a bad way to go.

Lorelai: Which one says, "Hi, I'm not a whore, enjoy your day"?
Rory: The pink one.

Lorelai: Lorelai Gilmore, disappointing mothers since 1968.

Emily: My first trip to Europe, I went to Paris and stayed at the Ritz.
Lorelai: Well, I tell you what, if it’ll make you happy, we’ll go to Paris and eat out of their dumpster.

Lorelai: Where does your mom think you are?
Lane: On a park bench, contemplating the reunification of the two Koreas.
Lorelai: Not here, skanking to Rancid?
Lane: Wouldn’t be included.

Luke: The counter is a sacred space. My sacred space. You don't do yoga on the Dalai Lama's mat. And you don't come behind my counter.

Rory: I live in two worlds. One is a world of books. I've been a resident of Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County, hunted the white whale aboard the Pequod, fought alongside Napoleon, sailed a raft with Huck and Jim, committed absurdities with Ignatius J. Reilly, rode a sad train with Anna Karenina, and strolled down Swann's Way. It's a rewarding world, but my second one is by far superior. My second one is populated with characters slightly less eccentric but supremely real, made of flesh and bone, full of love, who are my ultimate inspiration for everything.

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