Sunday, July 4

This One's for You, Mom!

In conversation with my mother today, she disclosed that she checks my blog to see if I've posted something new...

Every. Single. Day.

Really?? Every day? I was shocked. And touched. And I felt kind of bad.

Since my last post was on April 13, that means she has been disappointed 82 times. Sorry, Mom.

I've wanted to get back to blogging. It's great therapy for me. But for the past couple of years I've been too busy/lazy/crazy to put much of anything of value in cyber-space.

I blame facebook for part of it. I can easily come up with a quick one-sentence status update in facebook, but I can't seem to pull together enough thoughts to substantiate a quality blog post.

But I'm going to try to get back into it. And not just because of the conversation that I had with my mom, although finding out you have a regular reader...even just highly motivating.

I can't promise it will be every day. But maybe once a week.

Who am I kidding? Maybe I should just try to get something down once a month. That would have at least reduced her disappointment to 80 times.

Time will tell. Stay tuned!

*Author's note: No feelings of guilt whatsoever were intended in the comments that led to this posting.*


Heidi said...

Thank have already brightened my day and it's only 6:23am.

Heidi said...
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kranberry216 said...

I check your blog every day, too! Thanks for coming back!