Tuesday, December 16

Grumpy Old Men

I remember being delighted by snow as a kid.  I would wake up on winter mornings and dash to the big window in the living room...hoping that the ground would be covered in a blanket of white.  It was a big bonus if school was also cancelled.  But even if it wasn't, snow was fun!  We'd bundle up, go outside, stay out long enough to get thoroughly cold and wet (probably all of ten minutes) and then come back in, leaving our mom to deal with the puddles where snow melted off of our boots, soggy mittens, and wet clothes.  

Then it dawned on me:  My boys dislike snow because it puts a serious cramp in their daily paper route.  Normally, they hop on their bikes and zip through it in fifteen minutes.  Today, they had to pull on boots and trudge through twenty feet of snow...uphill...both ways...to deliver our ten page (on a newsy day) paper to all of the subscribers in our neighborhood.  

Responsibility sure is a fun-killer.

1 comment:

Rhonda said...

And here I am closing all the shades and curtains in hopes that they won't look outside and be reminded that they want to play in it. Cause really, I still have to be part of the "let's go outside and play in it!" equation...not to mention the wet, soggy coats, boots, floors...