Friday, October 17

You are doing WHAT??


J and I just drove 200+ miles to a neighboring STATE to attend a field trip with our virtual school.

Typical fall primary-aged field trip--farm, pumpkin patch, hayrack rides...the works.

Yes, you are absolutely right.  There are quite possibly 100 or so of those type of operations within a 30 mile radius of my rural address.  

So why would I do this???

Well, gas is below $3 a gallon--so what the heck?

And I'm getting paid mileage...  


Rhonda said...

So was it fun??

Casey said...

Until it dumped buckets of rain on us!! But we got a free pumpkin and a peck of apples for $6! And promptly forewent the sack lunch in the drippy orchard for an outrageously expensive one at the T-Rex Cafe! Good times...