Monday, July 21

Happenin's on the Homefront

For the three people that read this (besides my mom, who called today, and therefore knows I haven't fallen off of the face of the earth)--here are some random goings-on from my life for the past few days:

~One of my dearest friends has returned to work part time. Her kids came over and spent Friday morning with us. J was in "hog-heaven." Even though I didn't let them take a bath! :o)

~N and C came home from camp. Their favorite part was Bible, where their counselor read to them from God's Smuggler. The missionary was from Taiwan, so they spent the weekend sharing their knowledge of Chinese phrases with us.

~On the way home from camp (four young boys and me), I got asked what Reuben's sin against Jacob actually WAS. I got to try to explain extramarital affairs and concubines to 4th and 6th grade boys on a "need to know" basis. Hopefully, I haven't really messed up their doctrine!

~I pulled off a pretty great (if I do say so myself) bridal shower for a friend's daughter. I was horribly worried about the turnout of said shower due to the fact that I lost a week of my life somewhere and didn't get the invites out on time. Hubby and I did have a great "date" hand-delivering many of them last weekend (he's a great sport!).

~My husband--for reasons I still don't understand--purchased a tennis racket for me (hand-eye coordination sports and I don't do well together) and then put the kids up to asking me to go play with the family. I did--and had a great time! I have a mean serve (into the court to the right of me) but I did manage to hit the ball a couple of times. Hubby--who played in high school, beat me 50-love, and maybe wet his pants laughing in the process.

~I am friends with two sisters. One lives in in the northeastern corner of the state, and the other in the southwestern. On Sunday/Monday they "met in the middle" at my house. At one point in time, there were NINE children in my 2500 sq foot house. And my three friends and I were in the kitchen alone, having a wonderful conversation with very few interruptions. I don't think one argument was mediated the entire visit!

~I got $50 worth of organic facial cleansing products for $10! I can't wait to wash my face before bed, tonight!

~And even after all of this--my house is semi-clean!

~Tomorrow, I am off to the northeastern corner of the state to meet my nephew at the airport. He has been in Laos for six weeks with his paternal grandparents. I can't wait to see him!


Jamie said...

The princess is only a little mad! =) But the prince thought he was B.I.G. stuff!

Joanna B. said...

I have it on good authority that you are amazing at explaining tough concepts to kids, so I have no doubt that you handled the Jacob/Reuben pickle like a pro! Can I call you the next time my 8 year old leaves me speechless???