Tuesday, June 3

May In Review for My Few Readers...

I am so sorry to the three of you who occasionally open this blog and look at it! :o) May was such a crazy month! I had, at one point, lots of great blog material and just no time to get it posted. So I think I'll just do a quick recap of the month to give you the highlights and then TRY to be more faithful about posting!

Casey's May in Review

~My husband was gone on business for 12 weekdays. Enough said.

~We made the terrifying, agonizing, and very exciting decision to enroll our oldest daughter in the fabulous private brick-and-mortar school in town. It will be the first "institutional" education experience that any of our children have had.

~Several members of my family caught a very nasty gastrointestinal bug. My eight-year-old missed the toilet. Joy. Of course my husband was out of town! :o)

~I lost six pounds due to this illness. So for the few days afterward, when I could finally get out of bed and I still didn't really have an appetite, I looked great! The problem is that I did eventually get my appetite back. And with it, all of those pounds! And what is it about pounds? When they return, they always seem to bring a few "friends" with them! Guess I need to dig out my running shoes!

~Our little town's schools' recognition day--which includes a week of festivities, a carnival (that we managed to avoid--YAY), and an annual parade. Historically, this has been a day to recognize school children, so there were lots of kindergarten floats, bands, kids wearing school colors, etc. I was SO tempted to have my children wear their T Shirts advertising the virtual school they attend. But since the paper every other day has articles about our public school district's declining enrollment and declining funding, I decided to "lay low." We went to the parade with a bunch of friends and their children. It was very fun!

~Mothers' Day--which included fabulous homemade cards and a promise to purchase wii fit when it comes available. Which my husband did--and drove 30 minutes to get it!

~Went to see What Happens in Vegas. Very cute and funny. Even the husbands liked it. Best line: "We will stop and take a break for a half-an-hour. For those of you on the Metric system, that's 30 minutes."

~wii fit has a SCALE in it! :o( That thing checked my BMI and told me my wii fit age was 41!! Forty-one??? I so do NOT get up at 5:30 two days a week and put myself through intense pain at YPump to have a wii fit age of 41!

~My husband flew me to Palm Springs to meet him for a weekend for "couple time." My amazing in-laws graciously came to my house (an hour trip) to watch them here for part of the time so they could do baseball practices, paper routes, etc. and then drove them BACK to their house for things like chocolate chip pancakes, crafts, trips to the park to play catch and tennis, etc.

~During that "away weekend" we hooked up with some very dear friends and their two beautiful children. It was so nice to visit and hang out together!

~The school year ended! My second time of being a "first-year-teacher" is officially over (the last time I was a first year teacher was 11 years ago)! I survived it--enrollment forms and progress reports and all! And I am terribly excited for what next year will hold!

~Spring Dance--production week--two performances--my youngest's first ever dance production, and my oldest's seventh. Lots of family and friends came to see it, including a surprise attendance by my oldest daughter's oldest and closest friend. They have been friends since mine was in diapers and most of that time has been long distance. It was so good to see her!

~I can hardly mention this one without crying--so I will say it fast--like ripping off a Band-Aid: My baby sister and her unit left for Germany and will then be stationed in Kosovo until next spring sometime. And it didn't work out for me to see her before she left.

~My deck finally has steps!! And they are gorgeous!

~Our friends, who are like family, and most of their extended families, came over for dinner, deck sitting, wii playing, and a birthday celebration for a guy that both my husband and I would be happy to add as one of our brothers. One of the most amazing things he did for me was to marry his wife, whom I can't go more than two days without calling. One of the meanest things he did to me was to take a job in California and move said wife there! :o)

~My oldest daughter started her first daily summer job. She is babysitting a great little boy from a terrific family and is LOVING it. It is so weird to have my husband ask where our daughter is and for me to say she is at work. What happened to playing in the sand box, dressing her dolls, and swinging at the park? Her summer charge MIGHT be up for the sandbox or swinging, but I am pretty sure dressing dolls won't fly.

~Summer ball has started. I think the boys have both maybe graduated to "real rules" and keeping score. My youngest is playing machine pitch. She loves it!

Well, that, in a nutshell, is why I haven't had any blogging time. Or maybe it's because I don't have any time management skills...

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