Friday, February 8

Mind Over Matter

I am NOT getting a cold.

Our family has been healthy so far this winter (knock wood) and I am not going to be the one to mess it up.

My husband has been gone for 7 of the 8 days we have had so far in February. I am not complaining. The kids have been great! But I realized last night when the kids were STILL up getting drinks at 11:30 that I hope nothing ever happens to my husband, no matter how much his life insurance policy is worth. Because at 11:30 last night I was DONE. Done being a single mommy. I cannot possibly do this by myself another day, and I certainly can't do it sick.

I am packing for a trip. A girls only weekend to visit a friend that I have seen a total of maybe six hours since she moved 7 years ago. We leave at 4. Hubby comes home at 2. 48 hours of girl talk, laughter, shopping, and children (I love children) that I am not responsible for. So I can't be getting sick.

I am sure that the tickle in my throat is due to the fact that the heater has been running more than usual lately.

My nose is only dripping because I have been cold since November 26.

My eyes are just a "tad bit itchy" because I got new contacts and I am still getting used to them.

The ache in my back has to be because I have been sharing my bed with anywhere from 1-3 children who seem to think that Daddy being gone means a slumber party in my room for the past 7 nights.

Because I am NOT getting sick.

I don't have a fever, so I can't be getting sick.

Maybe it's allergies.

Probably I am paranoid.

Better pack the Tylenol Cold and Sinus (great for allergies) and extra Kleenex and hand sanitizer just in case--

To keep me from getting sick!

1 comment:

jillg said...

time for airborne!! I think it does work. I prevented a cold from coming on last week.