The school year is beginning again in "God's country," and this home schooling family is trying really hard this year to keep a similar schedule to the brick and mortar schools around us. Today was our second day of "full day" school, so my outlook is still pretty positive!
- Being able to wear my jammies until noon, since I don't have to travel any further than my basement, and unlike the summertime, where our kids were constantly going places, no one besides them will see me.
- Having a child sit on my lap and sound out a three-letter short vowel word.
- Seeing the amazement in said child's eyes when she realizes that she recognizes that word.
- Finally, after two months, having an excuse for why the housework isn't done. "Sorry, honey. Couldn't get to the laundry today. I was teaching."
- Relearning how to draw congruent angles and perpendicular bisectors using only a compass and a straight edge. I mean, really. Because I might actually need to use that, sometime. Like to show my seventh grader how to do it.
- Reading my sons' language arts journals and laughing hysterically at their topics--mostly why they dislike school--and at their spelling--which can make an entry very interesting. (All of this, of course, no where that they can hear me.)
- Since most kids are back in brick and mortar school, the museums, zoos, libraries, and restaruants for lunch are much less crowded.
- Only messing up one room in the house.
- The routine. Even though they deny it, the kids enjoy this part, too.
- Since I have only been at it for two days, I haven't gotten terribly behind or overwhelmed, yet. This is the time of year where I am a great teacher! I might not be able to say that next week.
Blessings to all who are taking this year to further their education--from preschool to graduate school. And blessings to all who are assisting them: parents, teachers, grandparents, spouses. I pray this will be everyone's best school year ever.
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