I like to think that I have learned some things on this path called "Life" that we are on. I know that I have so many more things to learn. One of the biggest things I have discovered, though, is that one should never say, "I will never...," or "I could never..." God has a sense of humor. So here is my list of 10 things that I was never going to do, or were never going to happen to me. Most of these things have to do with my children and parenting, because one is never as perfect of a parent as they are before they have children. Here goes, and have a great day!
*important disclaimer: some of these things happened BEFORE God got a hold of my life.
- Take my children out in public with runny noses, dirty faces, uncombed hair, or outfits they chose themselves--like fairy wings and cowboy boots paired with a swimming suit when the temperature barely registers in the double digits.
- Let the number of offspring in our family exceed that of the adults responsible to raise them. (Sometimes that number fluctuates--based on how responsible this adult is at the moment)
- Drink coffee of any kind. I actually managed to stick to this for quite a long time--not really getting addicted until my 30's.
- Home school my children.
- Discipline out of anger. (I am not talking righteous anger, here, but selfish, petty, you are inconveniencing me, anger.)
- Vote for a Democrat (This actually happened AFTER God got a hold of my life. Social justice is also a moral issue--but THAT is another blog, entirely).
- Be stupid enough to get pregnant before getting married. I mean, come on--birth control was pretty effective in the 90's.
- Let children who wore diapers and couldn't even put words together to form sentences watch full-length feature movies--or enough Nick Jr. to qualify as several full-length feature movies.
- Watch an entire NASCAR race on television--recognize driver names and cars, and actually somewhat enjoy the experience.
- Cup my hands under a child's chin who has just started vomiting--of course nowhere NEAR a toilet or bowl of ANY kind. Why do we do that, anyway?? Not only do we then have to soak our hands in bleach--effectively removing several layers of skin, but we STILL have to clean the carpet, couch, bedding, etc.
And then again, maybe we should occasionally say, "I would never..." Because as I look over my list, I realize that some of those things were the best things that ever happened to me. Obviously NOT the vomit.
1 comment:
Great ten!
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