Tuesday, July 17

Certifiably Crazy

I believe myself to be certifiably crazy. My two oldest children are gone for the week at church camp. This means I am now living the typical middle class life of 2.3 (do husbands count as that .3?) kids, a dog (for us it is 3 cats) and a station wagon--okay, Mercury Mountaineer, but close enough.

My husband returned early from a business trip--well, not really early, but I got my signals crossed and thought he would not be home until tomorrow, and instead he pulled in this evening! Yay!!

So I, for the first time in a really long time, should have the same number of adults in the house as children. I was planning for a quiet and calm and relaxing week with the kids at camp.

So, what are we doing this evening??


My son is having two friends spend the night, and my daughter is having one. So it is 10:35 pm and the basement where the boys are hanging out is trashed, and my daughter's bedroom where the girls are hanging out is also trashed. And all five kids are still awake!

I think it is time for me to go to bed and surrender to the majority that has been threatening to take over all evening. The popcorn eating, soda drinking, PS2 playing, movie watching, staying up until all hours of the morning majority.

Let the anarchy begin!!!


Heidi said...

I love you. What gifts you bring to my life. Thank you.


Rhonda said...

It's 1:00 the next day and I haven't heard from you. I'm wondering if you are handcuffed in your basement and the house has been taken over by the kiddos!