Wednesday, June 20

The Circus

No, I am not talking about our crazy life (although that title would work on many days), I am referring to a bona fide circus. A three-ring circus came to town yesterday, and some lovely paper-route customers of our kids' gave them free tickets. None of them had ever been before. I knew the youngest would love it--she's an animal lover-- and the oldest would really enjoy the acrobats, tightrope walkers, trapeeze artists, etc. As the circus didn't feature Jimmie Johnson or Jeff Gordon or baseball of any kind, I wasn't sure what my boys would think. And my husband had just gotten home from a hectic 12 hour day at the office. I am pretty sure he only wanted to be in two places--in bed for the night, or on the couch in front of the TV.

Everyone loved it!! From the moment it began, to the last performance, everyone was enthralled! (We were also very fortunate to sit next to some friends who have kids the same age as ours, and they weren't spending any money on all of the overpriced "stuff" there, either. This helps, tremendously!) The vote was 5 to 1 in favor of the performing elephants being the best part. The dissenter said that his favorite part was when the trapeeze guy fell off of the trapeeze (unplanned) and landed on the safety net underneath!

There was a 15 minute intermission with activities in each of the rings: pony rides--for a price, elephant rides--for a price, and the chance to take your picture with a boa constrictor around your neck--for a price. At the beginning of the intermission, my thought was, you couldn't PAY me enough to touch a boa constrictor, or python, or whatever it was; let alone put it around my neck. Nothing could be worse. Then I got the job of taking the youngest to the bathroom. Keep in mind, this is a traveling circus. Bathroom accomodations consist of a flatbed full of port-a-potties. And we went to the second performance. Bring on the boa constrictor!! After that experience, I can handle anything!


Jamie said...

This is terrific! -- welcome to the club. Official title of the club? "Mom's who blog about their children instead of spending time with said children."
Keep 'em coming!
p.s. I think I can smell that flatbed from here! gross...

Unknown said...

Dear Casey,

Loved the news about the circus!!!

Please keep sending me your blog - what a wonderful idea!!

Much love,

Aunt Debbie